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Software Engineering
  1. M. Gordon-Kiwkowitz, D. Harel: Behavioral Programming with a Subset of Natural Language: An Evaluation Study, In Proc. 14th IADIS International Conf. on Information Systems. Virtual 2021. [online]

  2. B. Arnon, D. Harel, M. Gordon-Kiwkowitz: Using System Models to Resolve Co-Reference in Translating Natural Language Requirements into Code, In Proc. IADIS Int. Conf. on Information Systems. Sofia, 2020. [online]

  3. G. Alexandron, M. Armoni, M. Gordon, D. Harel: Teaching Scenario-Based Programming: An Additional Paradigm for the High School Computer Science Curriculum, Part 2. Comput. Sci. Eng. 19(6): 64-71 (2017)

  4.  G. Alexandron, M. Armoni, M. Gordon, D. Harel: Teaching Scenario-Based Programming: An Additional Paradigm for the High School Computer Science Curriculum, Part 1. Comput. Sci. Eng. 19(5): 58-67 (2017)

  5. A. Ashrov, M. Gordon, A. Marron, A. Sturm, G. Weiss: Structured Behavioral Programming Idioms. BPMDS/EMMSAD@CAiSE 2017: 319-333

  6. G. Alexandron, M. Armoni, M. Gordon, D. Harel: Teaching Nondeterminism Through Programming. Informatics Educ. 15(1): 1-23 (2016)

  7. A. Marron, B. Arnon, A. Elyasaf, M. Gordon, G. Katz, H. Lapid, R. Marelly, D. Sherman, S. Szekely, G. Weiss, D. Harel: Six (Im)possible Things before Breakfast: Building-Blocks and Design-Principles for Wise Computing. D&P@MoDELS 2016: 94-100

  8. M. Gordon, E. Rivera., C. Ackermann, C. Breazeal: Designing a Relational Robot Toolkit for Preschool Children to Explore Computational Concepts. In Proc. Interaction Design and Children. IDC 2015.

  9. M. Gordon, C. Breazeal: Designing a Virtual Assistant for In-Car Child Entertainment, In Proc. Interaction Design and Children. IDC 2015.

  10. M. Gordon, E. Ackermann, C. Breazeal: Social Robot Toolkit: Tangible Programming for Young Children. HRI (Extended Abstracts) 2015: 67-68. [Online]

  11. Michal Gordon, Cynthia Breazeal:

    Video on the Social Robot Toolkit. HRI (Extended Abstracts) 2015: 293 [Online] [Video]

  12. M. Gordon, D. Harel: Steps towards Scenario-Based Programming with a Natural Language Interface. FPS@ETAPS 2014: 129-144. [Online]

  13. G. Alexandron, Michal Armoni, Michal Gordon, David Harel: Scenario-based programming: reducing the cognitive load, fostering abstract thinking. ICSE Companion 2014: 311-320. [Online]

  14. G. Alexandron, M. Armoni, M. Gordon, D. Harel: Scenario-Based Programming, Usability-Oriented Perception. TOCE 14(3): 21 (2014) [Online]

  15. G. Alexandron, M. Armoni, M. Gordon, and D. Harel, On Teaching Programming with Nondeterminism. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WiPSCE), 2013. [Online]

  16. M. Gordon, "Natural and Interactive Interfaces for Behavioral Programming", PhD Thesis with Prof. David Harel, Weizmann Institute of Science, 2012. [PDF]

  17. G. Alexandron, M. Armoni, M. Gordon and D. Harel, "The effect of previous programming experience on the learning of scenario-based programming", Koli calling conference, 2012, 151-159. [Online]

  18. M. Gordon, D. Harel, "Evaluating a Natural Language Interface for Behavioral Programming", VL/HCC 2012, 167-170. [Online] [PDF] [Project]

  19. M. Gordon, A. Marron, O. Meerbaum-Salant, "Spaghetti for the Main Course? Observations on the Naturalness of Scenario-Based Programming", Proc. ITiCSE 2012. 198-203.[Online] [PDF]

  20. M. Gordon, D. Harel, "Show-and-Tell Play-In: Combining Natural Language with User Interaction for Specifying Behavior", Proc. IADIS Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2011 (IHCI 2011), pp. 360-364. [Online] [PDF] [Project]

  21. N. Eitan, M. Gordon, D. Harel, A. Marron and G. Weiss, "On Visualization and Comprehension of Scenario-Based Programs", Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on Program Comprehension 2011 (ICPC 2011), pp. 189-192. [Online] [PDF]

  22. M. Gordon and D. Harel, "Semantic Navigation Strategies for Scenario-Based Programming", IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 2010, (VL/HCC 2010), pp. 219-226. [Online] [PDF]

  23. M. Gordon and D. Harel: "Generating Executable Scenarios from Natural Language", In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 2009 (CICLing '09), Lecture Notes In Computer Science, vol. 5449. Springer-Verlag, 456-467. [Online] [PDF]

  24. D. Harel and M. Gordon-Kiwkowitz "On Teaching Visual Formalisms", IEEE Software, vol. 26, no. 3, pp 87-95, 2009. [Online] [PDF]


On the Web

2010 - present

2010 - present

Games & Teaching
  • M. Gordon, G. Gordon, "Quantum Computer Games: Schroedinger Cat and Hounds", Physics Education 47 (2012), 346-354. [Online]

  • M. Gordon and G. Gordon, "Quantum Computer Games: Quantum Minesweeper", Phys. Edu. 45, 372 (2010). [Online] [Game Download]

Computer Vision


  • R. Gersner, M. Gordon-Kiwkowitz, Abraham Zangen, "Automated Behavioral Analysis of limbs' activity in the forced swim test", Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2009: 180 (1): 82-86. [PDF] [Online]

  • M. Kiwkowitz and S. Ullman, "Improving Performance and Applying Cascades in Visual Classification", Master Thesis, Weizmann Institute of Science, 2007. [PDF-Part1], [PDF-Part2]



  • M. Gordon and D. Harel, "Programming in Natural Language - a review".

  • M. Gordon and D. Harel, "Executable Scenario-Based Programming in Natural Language".

Schools and Conferences
  • "International Summer School on Software Engineering" (ISSSE 2010), University of Salerno, Italy, July 2010.

  • User Evaluation for Software Engineering Researchers Workshop (USER) (ICSE 2012), University of Zurich, Italy, 2012. (peer reviewed contribution)

  • Programming Languages and Software Engineering (PLSE) Seminar, 2012, IBM Research Haifa, Italy, October 2012. (peer reviewed contribution)

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